- No. Of Instalment: 40
- Auction Bid: 25% only
- Week/Months: Months
- Instalment Amount: ₹25000/-
- Auction date: Every 8th Day of every Month- Auction
- No. Of Instalment: 40
- Auction Bid: 30% only
- Week/Months: Months
- Instalment Amount: ₹12500/-
- Auction date: 10th of every month-Auction Every Month
- No. Of Instalment: 100
- Auction Bid: 25% only
- Week/Months: Weeks
- Instalment Amount: ₹1000/-
- Auction date: All Friday (3Auction (25% only)+ 1Draw(5% Only))
- No. Of Instalment: 25
- Auction Bid: 5% only (Foreman Commision)
- Week/Months: Months
- Instalment Amount: ₹1000/-
- Auction date: 15th Of Every Month-Draw
- No. Of Instalment: 100
- Auction Bid: 5% only (Foreman Commision)
- Week/Months: Weeks
- Instalment Amount: ₹100/-
- Auction date: All Tuesday-Draw
- No. Of Instalment: 100
- Auction Bid: 5% only (Foreman Commision)
- Week/Months: Weeks
- Instalment Amount: ₹100/-
- Auction date: All Thursday- Draw
- No. Of Instalment: 100
- Auction Bid: 5% only (Foreman Commision)
- Week/Months: Weeks
- Instalment Amount: ₹100/-
- Auction date: All Friday-Draw
- No. Of Instalment: 100
- Auction Bid: 5% only (Foreman Commision)
- Week/Months: Weeks
- Instalment Amount: ₹100/-
- Auction date: All Wednesday-Draw
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